Support The Seeds of Growth: 2024 Stewardship Campaign

The Stewardship Team sent a mailing this week regarding our 2024 Pledge Drive. We hope you will take time to review these materials informing you about our goal of $175,000 and the ways this budget allocates funds for our 2024-2025 fiscal year. A pledge card is included for you to fill out when you determine what you are able to give. This card also lets you know how to send your pledge to our Treasurer. Feel free to bring it with you to place in the offering basket on Sunday.

During the service last Sunday, we asked “What is important to you about SGUUF?” The answers we received confirm that this Fellowship is important to us. We are important to each other.

In order to continue creating Beloved Community in this space on University Drive in Georgetown, Texas, we are being asked to dedicate a part of our personal financial resources to each other and the larger community we seek to serve though this pledge we make.

The question we wonder about this week is “How does the Fellowship support its members and friends?”
We hope you can join us on Sunday as we deepen our understanding of our collective Stewardship of the Fellowship and consider our indebtedness to each other.