Special Update from your Administrator!

Special Update from your Administrator!

Hey SGUUF, it’s your Admin John F here. I wanted to give you a heads up about my upcoming vacation in July so we could coordinate a few things ahead of time during June!

My family and I are super excited because we will be flying to Boston, for the first time ever, to meet my sister at the airport on July 4th!

My sister Ellie lives in New Hampshire with her spouse Andy, and we are so excited to visit them AND visit at least 4 different states!

We land in Boston on July 4th just in time for fireworks, and then fly back to Dallas on my birthday, which is July 12th.

During this time, I will be leaving my computers behind…👀

However, there is good news!

First: I will be able to access at least one computer while visiting my sister, and I will have a copy of all my San Gabriel files saved on a flash drive.

Second: I have all of June to help everyone prepare as I pre-schedule The Messenger, pre-assemble the Sunday Slideshows, and fit everything else I can for San Gabriel ahead of schedule where possible! I might even finally be able to bring the family out to Georgetown during the last week of June!

Please let me know how I can help everyone prepare for my time away as much as possible! I won’t be completely unavailable during the first two weeks of July, but I definitely want to get ahead of the curve on this. We depart for the Dallas area around July 1st.

Thank you for everything!

Your Admin,

John Faber