Online Service – Money Matters

In almost every congregation that I have been a part of either as a lay person or professionally, the minister has been expected to do the “Money Sermon” during the pledge drive.  This can potentially be awkward for a minister because they clearly have a personal stake in the outcome of the institution’s fundraising.  I am not experiencing that discomfort this time around, though, because I am only here on a temporary basis, so I can make the case for some unknown person who will become your settled minister.  In doing so, I can make the case for a robust budget with a wider view in mind than I might ordinarily have.  In this election season, both presidential candidates tell us that, “This is the most important election in American history.”  I don’t disagree with that sentiment at all.  Equally true is this statement:  “This is the most important pledge drive in the history of San Gabriel Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.” The stakes are high.  I believe that your very existence depends on how successful this pledge drive is.  I want you to think long and hard about how money reflects your values and then I want you to increase whatever you had planned to give for this fiscal year (July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021).  Of course, this week’s service will be so inspiring that you will joyfully give much more than you originally thought you could!  May it be so!!