Ted Lasso, Maccabees, and the Miracle of Hope

Photograph of Rev. Robin Zucker.

To deny that life has its share of disappointments, frustrations, losses and setbacks (especially after our shared pandemic experience), would be unrealistic and ultimately, counterproductive to our personal growth and well-being. Coach Ted Lasso, the folksy protagonist of the hit TV show, doesn’t deny it. Yet, he posts “Believe” signs around the locker room and asks his English football team at a pivotal moment, “Do you believe in miracles? Hope is a miracle.” As we meet this morning during the Jewish Festival of Hanukkah, with miracles abounding within its story, we’ll explore how embracing “tragic optimism” opens us to gratitude, joy, and possibility.

Rev. Robin, a graduate of Harvard School of Divinity, was ordained as a UU minister in 2000 and is now serving as Interim Minister of the Beacon UU Congregation in Flagstaff, Arizona. Learn more about Rev. Robin at https://www.uurobinzucker.com/