Lou Snead and John Ray will teach a six-week Adult Education course on Politics and Religion in the Fellowship House from 9:30 am to 10:15 am. on consecutive Sundays from January 26 to March 2.
Topics include:
I. The similarities and differences between politics and religion- Lou
II. Separation of Church and State in the United States - John
III. How religion and politics interact and intermingle in the United States. What role does religion play in U.S. politics? - Lou
IV. Religion and toleration in the United States- Lou
V. Religion and Democracy: Are the two compatible? - John
VI. What role should religious reasoning play in public debate about public issues? - Lou
This course will be structured around both lectures and discussions of the particular
topics presented each week. Come join us for as many of the sessions as you may be
interested in and/or available. There will be no homework or tests for the participants.
Need childcare during class? Contact Woody Hibbard at woodyhibbard707@gmail.com by Thursday.