Ministerial Transition: Board of Trustees Update

Ministerial Transition

Our congregation is currently in a transitional period in terms of our ministerial leadership. Rev. Jami Yandle will be leading their last worship service with us in December and will start their new full-time position with the UUA in January. Over the next several weeks, we will have the opportunity to share our appreciation with Rev. Yandle for their service with us and reflect on their ministry. 

The Board is currently looking for candidates who are interested in serving as a part-time minister for our church. We currently do not have the budget that would allow us to begin a search for a full-time minister. While we hope that a full-time minister may be a possibility in the future, we expect it will take some time to grow our membership and budget to enable us to take that step. 

Our timeline for hiring a part-time minister will depend on the availability of the candidates we interview, but we hope to have hired a new part-time minister as soon as we are able to complete a search. If you know of potential candidates for part-time ministry with San Gabriel UU Fellowship, please share that information with Board President Sarah Smith or Vice President Keith Hutchinson.

Until we have found a new minister, we will be a lay-led congregation, as we were in 2021. This means that members will need to fulfill new roles and take on new responsibilities in our congregational practice. We hope that if you are asked to serve in a new role that you will consider it. Our fellowship is not a building or even a place, but the people who, in serving one another and the broader community, create a congregation enacting our mission. 

We will provide updates as we make progress in the ministerial transition. Feel free to email members of the Board or catch us in coffee and conversation if you have questions or feedback. 

In faith, 

Board of Trustees

San Gabriel Unitarian Universalist Fellowship