“Complete Divestment from the Fossil Fuel Industry and Subsequent Reparations” Information Session – UU Young Adult Divestment Caucus

From UU Young Adults For Divestment <uuyadivestment@gmail.com>

We are reaching out as members of the Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Divestment Caucus to invite members of all UU congregations to attend an information session on our business resolution “Complete Divestment from the Fossil Fuel Industry and Subsequent Reparations” which will be going to the floor at General Assembly in 2023. Our business resolution was submitted to the UUA with 415 signatures across 42 congregations in January this year.

We recognize for many of our congregations, this may be the first time you are hearing about our business resolution, as the UUA has yet to publicize our business resolution. We want to make sure UUs are as informed as possible going in to general assembly this year about the business resolution, our ongoing organizing as young adult Unitarian Universalists deeply committed to environmental justice, and how they can be in support.

To that end, we’re going to be hosting two information sessions in early June. The first will be Saturday, June 3rd at 10am PT/ 11am MT/ 12pm CT/1pm ET, the second information session will be Sunday, June 4th at 3pm PT/ 4pm MT/ 5pm CT/6pm ET. These times are to ensure we are accessible to people with varying work schedules and across time zones. You can register for our zoom info sessions at this link: bit.ly/ResolutionInfo

We’ll be giving some background on ourselves, presenting on the resolution itself, some of the frequently asked questions, and leaving a lot of time for questions and answers. We especially encourage any delegates to General Assembly this year to attend.


Between now and the information sessions, here are three things you can do.

  1. Please make this available to members of your congregation or organization.

  2. Read the full text of the business resolution

  3.  The UUA’s CFO has put out a statement against our resolution, here you can read his memorandum and our responses.

  4.  You can reach out to us on this email. If you have questions you want to make sure are covered in the information session, please let us know.

  5.  Follow us on Instagram (@uuyadivestment) and our Facebook Page (UU YA Divestment)