An Update on Plano UU from Rev J

Last week I had the opportunity to support our sibling congregation in Plano, TX. The congregation is still in quite a bit of shock as they take in the events and how things unfolded. If you do not know what I am referencing, find more about the incident here. Please keep our neighboring congregation in mind and heart in the following weeks, they have named being open to cards, so consider sending them a card of support if you have not done so already. If you wish to donate funds for repairs, please click here to find out more about that process.
Of course this leads to continued questions of our own safety at SGUUF in addition to possibly creating some anxiety in our bodies about our future. The careful balance of “not backing down”, remaining a safe haven for many people who need us right now, as well as being smart about our own protections and actions in the community is something that is at the forefront of my ministry right now.
What I want most deeply for you, my Beloved congregation, is to continue to come and go in our fellowship while also feeling confident in the event of something bad happening. To be honest, I want you to not worry at all about your safety at SGUUF and for our grounds and community to serve as a place of rest, renewal, learning, and growth for you. However, I know that it is not always possible because of our political climate and that inevitably the concerns and fears might be creeping into our psyches and swelling up in our nervous systems.
As such, I have been working hard to create community contacts with law enforcement and I hope to continue to deepen those relationships over time. It is important to know who our allies are and strength always happens in community and numbers. Additionally, I have been attending meetings with the larger UUA about congregational trainings we have the option to participate in, at varying levels, focusing on a multitude of different safety needs. Please be on the lookout for those resources in the coming months.
Rest assured that I will be working with our board and staff to do all we can to remain educated and aware about threats surrounding us as we continue to build our Beloved fellowship in Georgetown, which is here to stay, no matter what may come our way.
In faith,

Rev. Jami Yandle, BCC (they/them)