Online Service – It Is So Hard to Say Goodbye

“It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye!” So said several signs around Georgetown last week! When I saw them, I thought, “How did they know that I am in the process of saying goodbye?!” Turns out, it had nothing to do with me… and there were only four signs, two around each of two trees next to the parking lot of the Georgetown school district’s office building on College Street. I occasionally cut through that parking lot when walking between my apartment and my office at SGUUF. I got a good laugh reading the signs, which went on to inform the reader that, sadly, the trees had died and must be removed, but, hopefully, these two trees were well loved and appreciated during their lifetimes. Yes, it is hard to say goodbye. We have all experienced the difficulty of doing that. I was thinking, though, that if we never had to say goodbye to anyone or to any place, our lives would be sadder and not as rich and complex. Our lives need as many experiences and people in them as possible because these are all part of our unique life tapestries. I want this to be primarily a joyful service, with room for laughter and dancing and hope and possibility. There will most likely be some sadness, too, and perhaps some words of wisdom for you to take forward with you as you work to sustain this congregation. There will be stories. And, there will be poetry, all of it written by my favorite poet, Mary Oliver. Here is one of those poems to help get you in the right frame of mind!

We shake with joy, we shake with grief.
What a time they have, these two
housed as they are in the same body.